Realm of the Claw Comics - Culled from the explosive mind that brought us silver screen favorites as: The Terminator, Predator, Aliens and the primordial chaos of Jurassic Park, Stan Winston now unleashes his own creative fury in the form of CAT GODS! Gods who prowl the Realm of the Claw. The Realm was once a tranquil place where even Man shared in the bounties of its rich soil and crystalline waters with all its other living creatures. But it was only a matter of time before Man revealed his true nature. Nakuru and Sabyr would eventually lead the Beasts to victory over Man
but man's lust for power, like his stench, would not soon wash away or be forgotten THIS ISSUE: Louden Reed defines luxury. His family's multi-million dollar industrial firm flourished into a multi-billion dollar juggernaut under his ruthless guidance. His life, lavish. His tastes, exquisite. His favorite pastime, hunting endangered species for sport. Harrison, his adopted brother, came from humbler beginnings and has dedicated his life to protecting the animals of the world from men like Louden. Unbeknownst to either man, eighteen lifetimes have been shared between them, and a long-forgotten exile is about to come to an end. "Home" does not mean New York, where they live. Home lies in the unexplored wilds of Umbwandi
and is also known as THE REALM OF THE CLAW.