• Incorruptible #1 (Cover B)

Incorruptible #1 (Cover B)

Incorruptible #1 (Cover B)

cover b - ongoing comics series
RRP: £3.29

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Incorruptible #1 (Cover B) Last April BOOM! Studios showed the world that "Mark Waid Is Evil" with the smash-hit series Irredeemable. Now, Mark Waid is Incorruptible! Super villain Max Damage had an epiphany the day The Plutonian destroyed Sky City. When The Plutonian turned his back on humanity, Max Damage decided to step up. Now Max Damage has changed his name to Max Daring and turned from his formerly selfish ways to become Incorruptible. The flip side to this year's break-out smash hit, examining the hard, difficult road to changing your ways and making a difference in the world. Covers by Tim Sale and John Cassaday. 
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Writer: Mark Waid

Artist: Neil Edwards

Publisher: BOOM! STUDIOS

RRP: £3.29

Availability: In stock

Dispatched from the UK within 1-2 business days
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